Sunday, July 15, 2007
Nothing's good enough...
Today -..I don't know if it's just irony or my luck..five friends..FIVE..decided to call and give me a yelling of a lifetime. I was basically told that I'm selfish, arrogant, got an attitude problem n a B*tch for not returning calls! Apparently,I'm the only one who's self obsessed n live in this tiny little bubble called MY WORLD! May be I haven't been returning calls or texting back..but lately all I want to do is be by myself..but no one seems to understand that.. For 3 years all I've done is put everyone's problems before much so, I've neglected myself. I think it's only fair to give myself this much deserved break. I'm done with college, got just one month to go before I move out of this city and get back to studying(postgrad) and working. Sigh..Am I the only one who feels this way? Or am I really selfish?
Mom figured that I was really low this evening..I was in such a crabby mood..the sweetheart that she is..she took me out shopping to make me feel better..did it help? Duh! Buying clothes definitely helps. And I figured if my friends actually thought I was being a bitch..that's their problem..not mine. If I don't get this break..I'll probably turn out to be a bigger b*tch! So I guess it's a win-win situation here..right?

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Amlan Mohanty had this to say:
ALWAYS listen to your friends.
It'll come back to bite you in the butt. Trust me
- July 23, 2007 at 11:59 AM
Ankit had this to say:
its like im reading a bit milder version of my thoughts.. i can safely say i know to an extent what u r feeling.. but its never advisable to be totally cutoff from everyone else u know.. srry for the advice but still u can find lots of time for urself and sandwich some time for calls n SmSes.. :)
- July 25, 2007 at 11:36 AM
Dazed had this to say:
@ Mindspace & Ankit
This week has been one heck of a whirwind for me-grandmom just passed away. Turns out I'm blessed with the most genuine friends ever-friends who will stand by you when your going through the worst phases of life. I never even had to call them and tell them how depressed I am-they figured it out themselves.They all landed up home consoling my family.So, I guess I was wrong.
- July 26, 2007 at 2:20 PM
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