Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The 20 Milestone
This jus so happened to be my best birthday started off with a couple of my really close friends frm college landing up home wid a birthday cake n singing happy birthday..full on rock style..! I was jus lying down in bed in my PJ's n one tank top on the phone..staring at my nails..! This definitely was a suprise..Suprised wud be an understatement..I had this blank look on my face..apparently mom n dad knew they were doing this for me! The cake smashing had to happen..after which mom told them some really embarassing stories of me..I really didnt mind since I was jus so god damn happy! Got some few calls n then went off to bed..!
Then my best frnd (Pallu) calls n says "Come home..I wanna take u out shopping..!"There was soo much to do at home since i was having a dinner for a couple of frndz..anyway I had to go..itz saying NO to shopping..hellloooo..not happening! Yea so I landed up at her place n then her mom jus doesnt let of me..she jus talks to me about random things..then I walk into my Palu's room..and I see more then 25 ppl there..! It was the sweetest thing closest school friends n Palu's cousins were there..n her older sister helped wid the was the sweetest thing ever..her lil cousins made me a card..sang for me..smashed cake on my face..n the whole ordeal! I ran back home helped mom out like a little..poor thing got home early from work n cooked for more than 25 people..oh n btw..shez the best cook ever..anyone who's eaten her food..swears by it! Bro called in from San Fransisco spoke to me for like an hour or so..god damnit I miss him sooo much..really wished he could have been there! :(
Well.. then dinner happened..ppl started coming in by 7:30...there was enough booze for helped wid was stuck in the kitchen as usual..n I was sittin in my room singing with everyone..everything went off really well..the food was awesome..everyone were in..ahem..high spirits..they were singing n dancing n posing n jumping around..everything happened! Except for a frnd who look all flustered..he kept runnin out wid his phone..talkin to a couple of friends who looked worried aswell..I was so frustrated by the end of it..n wanted to know wht the hell was happening..well unfortunately, I ruined another suprise they were supposed to throw me at a night club.. friends from college turned up there n ppl I worked wid at JWT..the whole dinner plan ruined it! Oh well..I was jus so touched that they took the extra step to make it so special for me..but no one wanted to leave..coz everyone were like I said..really tipsy..drivin that way was so not happening! So we stayed back..had this karaoke session..spoke about everything under the sun..n then it was time to leave since a really good friend of mine (Za) was leaving the city..we ended up being super emotional..n yeah we cried a hell of a lot..we've been there for each other for 3 whole literally lived each others lives..we jus hugged n cried n cried n cried..all this in my hall...when the rest of them didnt know what was happening..they were jus sooooo drunk :)
Everyone left at 2 in the morn.. still wasnt over..I had the presents to some jewellery frm mom n both seasons of PRISON BREAK from a vouchers..clothes..a plant..n tons of other things..I got more than i could have imagined!
I thought it was time to do some soul searching now ..Rite.! Soul Searching my ass! I sat in bed n thought think about what this really meant to me..Gratitude n love was all I had for every single friend of mine who helped make it my best birthday ever ..n then there this weird silence..I stared blankly at the wall..looking spaced out when it jus hit me..IM EFFIN 20! It all just ended with a bang..! Do u want to know what happened after that? Well..Nothing, I jus slept!

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Dazed had this to say:
Look past the grammar n spelling errors..didnt have time for proof reading =)
- July 11, 2007 at 1:25 PM
lemon had this to say:
yay! T's finally in her early 20's..or wait..should I say D's finally in her early 20's..?!!
So glad you revived this..cant wait for all the drunk one night stand posts!! Keep em'coming..!! :)
- July 12, 2007 at 5:08 AM
Dazed had this to say:
One night stands? Plz that's never happened..n is never gonna happen! random things u come up wid know? foofoo!
- July 13, 2007 at 1:58 PM
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